What a Smart Cat! Tips to Make Life Easier for Your Feline Friend

What a Smart Cat! Tips to Make Life Easier for Your Feline Friend

What Makes a Cat Smart? Cats are intelligent animals with amazing problem-solving skills. From opening doors to manipulating objects, cats are natural-born hunters with impressive cognitive abilities. But what makes a cat smart? Here are some of the traits that make cats stand out: Curiosity: Cats are naturally curious creatures who love to explore their…

How Cats Use Mid-Air Acrobatics to Stick Perfect Landings

How Cats Use Mid-Air Acrobatics to Stick Perfect Landings

The Feline Righting Reflex Cats have an innate ability to right themselves in mid-air, known as the feline righting reflex. This reflex allows cats to quickly and effectively orient themselves so that they can land on their feet. The feline righting reflex is a combination of several factors, including their flexible spine, powerful muscles, and…